谁有Michael. Jackson那首tabloid jungle的歌词啊??

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 19:25:13

Speculate to break the one you hate 设法整倒你仇恨的人
Circulate the lie you confiscate 散播你所编造的谎言
Assassinate and mutilate 暗杀和毁灭
As the hounding media in hysteria 歇斯底里的媒体正在追逐
Who's the next for you to resurrect 下一个你要让谁复活?
JFK exposed the CIA 肯尼迪揭发中央情报局
Truth be told the grassy knoll 只有青山听得到真相
As the blackmail story in all your glory 诽谤的故事才是你的荣耀

It's slander 这是诽谤啊
You say it's not a sword 你说这不是宝剑
But with your pen you torture men 但你用你的笔去折磨他人
You'd crucify the Lord 你在把主钉上十字架

In the hood 在这里
Frame him if you could 尽你可能去将他陷害
Shoot to kill 用枪杀
To blame him if you will 再怪罪于他
If he dies sympathize 如果他死了,聊表一下同情
Such false witnesses 如此虚假的证人
Damn self righteousness 诅咒自以为的正直
In the black 暗中
Stab me in the back 背后捅我一刀
In the face 当面
To lie and shame the race 撒谎并羞辱我的种族
Heroin and Marilyn 海洛因和玛莉莲
As the headline stories of 就是新闻的头条