
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 20:35:06

How business failure paves the way to success
By Jeff Wuorio

If business success is a set of Cliffs Notes, business failure is a lifelong mentor.

That understandably is hard to digest. Success is a rush. Failure, be it a minor snafu or big-time disaster, can wound in any number of ways, both practical and emotional.

But failure offers insight. It's an opportunity to identify what went wrong and highlight greater issues that we all need to be reminded of from time to time.

Here are seven ways that business failure can be the best teacher you'll ever have.


Failure is necessary. Sure, and so are five-day blizzards, Brussels sprout casseroles, and inboxes chock-full of spam. But failure, in fact, does occupy a central dynamic in business. Lacking a willingness to fail, many innovations may have merely been erased on the chalkboard of the abstract. "I think the whole concept of success and failure need