What's your view on extra-marriage love?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 12:08:55
Their marriage has broken up.

The strongest aversion to legalization of prostitution is on moral grounds. Essentially, this is more of a moral question than that of economics or even safety. As has been pointed out, legalization would allow regulation and taxation, making the practice both safer and profitable for local governments.

From a moral standpoint, it really depends on what morals a person holds. The general 'standard' seems to be that sex should be confined to two people, or at least it should appear that way to the public eye rather it is really followed or not. A large number of Americans claim to follow a moral code like that prescribed in a Judeo-Christian system, which leads to considering the 'moral fabric' of our society. So, if free sex (meaning readily available, not gratis) is allowed, then the idea of holding sex as something sacred is tossed out of the window. Once we have disposed of one Judeo-Chrisitan value, the rest of the morals advocated by such faiths are o