
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 07:02:10
一个钻石的好坏,是从四个方面去评价的,即重量(CARAT)、颜色(COLOR)、净度(CLARITY)、切工 (CUT),由于它们都是以C开头,因此简称4C。
大于500克拉的有 20颗
这是世界上最大的钻石 它叫库利南 它有3106克拉(621克)人们打磨它们花了4年的时间,把它们分成105粒 这就是那些完美的钻石
这是钻石 它叫希望 我认为这是最美丽的钻石,但又是最神秘的钻石 它重45.52克拉,在它那像迷雾一样的历史中,充满了奇特和悲惨的经历,它总是给它的主人带来难以抗拒的噩运

The diamond is one of most concentrate wealth in the world,also is the hardest matter that is be discovered to days.it ‘s the purest crystal in the nature,

The diamond is one of wealths which in the world at present known mostconcentrates, also for the humanity discovered the hardest matter, isin the nature the purest crystal, magnificent, unequalled, it has thecharm, confuses the will of the people. It is April birth stone,contains strongly, chaste, is being pure, does not have the flaw, isthe eternal faithful love symbol. Today I must for everybodyintroduction world famous diamond
3000years ago, The people discovered the first diamond in India.A diamond quality, is appraises from four aspects:cract,clour,clarity and cut. Because they all are begin by C, therefore is called 4C.

The world delivered is bigger than 100 carats diamonds alreadyto approach 1,900,among which ,twenty are bigger than 500 carats.

This is in the world the