
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/01 13:12:11
Try some of these activities with your child:(1)Play a sorting game.Sort some objects(eg.Toys,socks,kitchen objects)into 2 or 3 groups(eg.Adults'socks and children's' socks),and ask your child to try to guess what rule you used to sort the objects.(2)Play a game of copycat.Tap or snap a repeating pattern and ask your child to copy it.Ask your child to begin saying or tapping or singing a pattern for you to copy.(3)Look for patterns in the environment.Ask your child to explain what is changing in the pattern(for example,the color,or the shape)and how is it changing.Ask your child to tell you what will come next in the pattern.

试着和你的孩子玩一些下的游戏:(1)分类游戏。把一些东西(比如,袜子,厨房用具等等),把他们分成两组或三组,比如大人一组,小孩一组,然后叫你的孩子试着用你教过的方法把它们分类;(2)模仿者的游戏。有节奏的敲打一些东西或咬住一些东西,然后叫你的孩子模仿你的动作,或者你也可以让你的孩子说一些,做一些,或敲或唱,让你跟他模仿;(3)找差异。在变动周围的一些东西之后,让你的孩子仔细观察,有没有什么发生了变化,比如说颜色,大小等等。还有他们是怎么变化的,找出一些规则,然后 想想下面又会怎么变化。
