
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/25 12:12:52
M:I don't know whether to ask Joe or Cora to draw the poster.
W:What difference dose it make?They're both excellent artists.

Q:What dose the woman imply about Joe and Cora?
A)They're equally competent for the job.
B)They're both willing to draw the posters.


题干说出:“both excellent artists”,说明他们都有胜任的能力,
而并未指出二人都有意愿“willing ”要画这个广告,因此不能选b.
这题考是得已给出的客观条件 而不能用做题者主观意愿猜度。

willing是意愿,而对话中并没有谈到Joe and Cora的意愿.
