
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 17:00:33
我想了解国外厂家的一件产品。他在德国,我想用e-mail 给他发份邮件问下。需要了解如下:产品的测试原理、能测试出来的具体指标参数、图形报告分析。希望有此询问经验的人提供帮助。正式点的好!
Mr ***:
In order to realize the product of " Vegacheck " of your company, I want to know the testing principle of "Vegacheck" 、the parameter of testing and the analysis of graphics, Could you offer more and more datum for me, Thanks a lot!
Best Wishes for you!


测试原理 - principles for testing / test principles

能测试出来的具体指标参数 - parameters of test results
parameter of testing容易被歧解成测试的参数,而非参数结果。

图形报告分析-用graphical analysis可能好些。


Could you send us some video recordings to show us how you test your products?
Could you send us some live video capturing the process of your product testings?