来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 09:51:42


too fun!!!

The defense request for the court to fully consider the practical circumstances of the case. Today (December 21, 06), GU conducted a comprehensive inquiry, the trial court opinion and debate. General comments published in the inquiry phase, the prosecution and the defense gave; In the afternoon the court debate. In his defense lawyers some "laws" of views, ask the court to fully consider the actual circumstances of the case. Opinions comprehensive inquiry at the outset of the hearing, the prosecution is the first comprehensive inquiry published opinions. In his opinion comprehensive inquiry, the prosecution said Kelong GreenKel relations between the company and the Department of arrears, Company executives of the company with misappropriation of funds and no relationship between the companies debts. KPMG said in the report, the prosecution believes that the KPMG report provides advi