Do you think marriage is a good idea for people in love

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:51:01

Well,it is hard to say. Marriage means to live together. If you do not understand each other well enough, it is hard to live together for such a long time-- that is, to live together for your whole life! But if you are sure that you love your BF or GF so much, and if he or she thinks so, you will be able to live together with happiness forever! By then, marriage can make you feel more happy. Are you going to do that? If you're sure you can give her(him?) the best, I'll give my best wishes to you!(I'm just a student, and these are only my idea```)

It depends.

when it comes to reality, the facts vary.

To some people ,it's a good idea,but some people don't think so.
It's a good idea for me,for I will marry my girlfriend next year if I have enough money