
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 20:12:14
The event will be an opportunity for suppliers and providers of multi application communication systems to show their overwhelming technological strength and discuss optimal solutions for developing countries like Laos .

The exhibition will focus on highlighting the development of broadband and wireless technology as well as the latest mobile phone technology which are penetrating into Laos , an emerging market in communication and networking in the region.

Regional integration in ICT is expected to create great marketing opportunities for Laos in the future.

The meet is expected to be a prestigious forum for telecommunication infrastructure managers to discuss business experience and potential solutions for the fast growing mobile market among other areas.

The event is being hosted by Ministry of Communication, Transport, Post, and Construction and organised by International Data Group (IDG) which has managed more than 170 similar events


此次会议由通讯、交通、邮政和建设部主办,由国际数据集团(IDG)组织。此前IDG已在40多个国家举办过类似会议170余次。IDG主管之一Tam Le先生说:“此次会议非常重要,它将为地区电信业创造更多的合作机会和更好的发展。”越南邮政与电信企业部副部长Lam Hoang Vinh先生说:“电信是对越南经济发展最重要的组成部分。而我觉得这在老挝也将一样。”“此次会议也必将缩短老挝与其他国家电信工业的差距。”


活动将提供一个机会,让供应商和通讯系统多应用科技力量,以显示其压倒性讨论最优解老挝等发展中国家. 展览将突出重点发展宽频及无线通讯技术以及最新的手机技术渗入老挝 在通讯和网络的新兴市场的地位. 区域一体化通信可望在创造巨大的市场机会,老将来. 预计可达到的一个著名的论坛,讨论电信业务的经验和基础管理办法,为快速增长潜力的市场流动等领域. 主办这项活动是教育部通信、运输、邮政、建筑、由国际数据集团(已经批准)仍能超过40个国家170个类似事件. 已经批准总经理谭乐说:"这次会议非常重要,它将创造更多的合作,在地区和国际电信将导致更好的解决办法" 越南邮电部副总裁总公司 林瑞麟Hoang先生光荣、说:"最重要的是电信部门已经在越南的经济发展作出了贡献. 我认为同样会发生在老挝. "他补充说, "会议还将在通讯技术缩小与其他国家之间的老" 由万象时报