Trojan.DL.VBS.Agent.cji 怎么杀掉?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 11:56:04
我最近好像中毒了, 我只要一开IE 就会跳出其他的IE窗口,用瑞星也找不到病毒,卡卡助手也不能屏蔽它,一前摊出来的就是固定那么两三个窗口,后来 就多了,请问怎么杀? 用什么软件?

这两个 是每次必摊出来的窗口》


Note: To fully remove all associated malware, perform the clean solution for TROJ_DLOADER.IBZ.
Terminating the Malware Program
This procedure terminates the running malware process.
Open Windows Task Manager.
• On Windows 98 and ME, press
• On Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003, press
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, then click the Processes tab.
In the list of running programs*, locate the process:
Select the malware process, then press either the End Task or the End Process button, depending on the version of Windows on your computer.
To check if the malware process has been terminated, close Task Manager, and then open it again.
Close Task Manager.
*NOTE: On computers running Windows 98 and ME, Windows Task Manager may not show certain processes. You can use a third party process view