The following questions refer to the Bohr model of the atom.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 14:13:37
a>Define an electron shell;
b>Define an electron orbit;
c>In which electron shell are electrons with the lowest possible energy to be found?
d>Electrons travel at high speed. What stops them from flying right away from the nucleus?
e>How big is the nucleus compared with the size of the atom?
f>How heavy is the nucleus compared with the weight of the atom?
g>If we ride a bike quickly around and around a circular track, we use up a lot of energy; we get slower and slower as we run out of energy and eventually stop.Is this what electrons do too? Discuss

An electron shell, also known as a main energy level, is a group of atomic orbitals with the same value of the principal quantum number n.

An electron orbit is the region in which an electron may be found around a single atom. Specifically, electron orbits are the quantum states of the individual electrons in the electron cloud around a single atom.

shell 1

Because of the electromagnetic attraction between nucleus(protons) and electrons

An atom is about ten thousand times larger than a nucleus in radius.

A nucleus weighs almost equal to the atom it's in. (a nucleus takes more than 99% in weight of a atom)

g>The bike stops because of the resistance comes from ground & air. While in an atom, there's no such kind of resistance. So the electron keeps their circular flying.