这些短语怎么翻译?the fine-scale equations

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 06:32:10
the fine-scale equations 译为:
a seamless transition. 译为:
The upscaling of fine-scale equations 译为:
local problems 译为:
the upscaled permeability 译为:
background permeability 译为:
flow and transport 译为:
upscaling 译为:
coarse-scale equations 译为
upscale flow 译为:
heterogeneous permeability background 译为:
coarse-grid. 译为:

the fine-scale equations 译为:精细尺度方程
a seamless transition. 译为:天衣无缝
The upscaling of fine-scale equations 译为:该upscaling精细尺度方程
local problems 译为:当地问题
the upscaled permeability 译为:upscaled的渗透
background permeability 译为:背景渗透
flow and transport 译为:流与运输
upscaling 译为:upscaling
coarse-scale equations 译为:粗尺度方程
upscale flow 译为:高档流
heterogeneous permeability background 译为:多相渗透率背景
coarse-grid. 译为:粗格子