except,except for,besides三者的区别

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 17:15:47

except,besides,except for用法的关联和区别

1.作介词用法时,这三个词都有"除…之外"的含义,但except常与do/does/did/have/has/hadnothing等词形成搭配用法,或者与全部肯定词all、everything、ev?eryone等连用,或者与全部否定词nothing、nobody等连用,因此except加宾语作介词"除…之外"时常表示从整体中剔除一部分;而besides作"除…之外"时则表示"另外附加"的含义,相当于"in addition to"。试比较下列例句:

1)He did not hing except watch TV yesterday.

2)He said nothing except to smile just now.

3)All the students took at rip except Tom yesterday.

4)We need 3 more persons to finish the job besides/inaddition to us two.


1)The weather is fine today except in the northwest.此句相当于:
The weather is fine today except that it is in the northwest.
2)His mother never takes any exercise except on the dance floor.此句相当于:

His mother never takes any exercise except that she has adance on the floor.