
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 11:17:55
根据克鲁克洪(Kluckhohn 1905 - 1960)对文化的定义,“文化是历史上所创造的生存式样的系统,既包括显型式样一也包含隐型式样;它具有为整个群体共享的倾向,或是在一定时期中为群体的特定部分所共享。(参考文献-1.[美]克兽克洪等.文化与个人[M].浙江:人民出版社,1986)文化是各个民族在漫长的历史时期创造形成的生存式样系统,既包括意识即心理和观念等隐型式样,又包括社会制度和行为方式等显型式样;文化在一定的文化群体内具有共享的倾向。

The Chinese reform opens about 30 in the last yearses, is 30 years that the Chinese economic high speed development also integrates world economy gradually, is also the fine ages that the Chinese culture mutually blends with world culture.The high speed of the economy the development by all means brings cultural prosperity.Valuing cultural taboo an important function to seem to be in outward the exchanges is importance.Understand different cultural taboo urgent, study various cultural taboo power is necessarily going.This for strengthen people's exchanges of the international community, the contacts of the economic trade, cultural art, educational dissemination, promote the people's comity of the international community.Have can't estimate of function.
Basis gram Lu gram Hong(Kluckhohn 1905- 1960)To the definition of culture, "the culture be the system of existence style that the top of the history create, since include to show pattern kind an also include con