miss papaya谁认识? 详细介绍下.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 22:03:29
听了她们的Supergirl后就喜欢上了.我对欧美歌没概念 知道的GGJJ告诉下,我是新手 只有30分 全交拉!!! 最好有图片,我用baidu google都查不到!!谢谢!!

好像是丹麦的,要不就是瑞典的,记不清了.DDR系列(konami跳舞机)收录了Operator, Hero,Pink Dinosaur,记得2001年的时候梦乐园提供了一张专辑下载,我下了,可是后来重装系统丢了,找了n年了!个人感觉还不错,舞曲风格~!
还有2000年时候出的BEST 2000收录了一首<Super Girl>.当年买了这盘磁带,现在还有~!

Linnéa Handberg Lund, also known as Papaya or Miss Papaya (born Linnéa Handberg 22 October, Hillerød, Denmark) is a Danish eurodance musician. She specialized in bubblegum dance music, in the same vein as Aqua, Bambee, Smile.dk, or Toy-Box. In addition to her own music, Lund has also written songs for other artists producing similar music, such as the aforementioned Bambee and Smile.dk.

Several of her songs, including Operator, Hero, and Pink Dinosaur, have appeared in the wildly popular Dance Dance Revolution video games. Lund has also contributed the songs "No Princess" and "Spaceman" to In The Groove 2.