
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 04:44:29
Suzanne Valadon would probably say that such an image is not one that appeals equally to men and women. More to the point, Valadon would argue that the painting of such subjects is not at all of interest to women artists. Perhaps this belief was the incentive behind her own revision of the reclining nude: The Blue Boom (Fig. 18-18).With this work she seems to be informing the world that when women relax,they really don't look like the "Venuses" of Titian, or Manet, or Gauguin. Instead, they get into their loose-fitting clothes, curl up with a good book, and sometimes treat themselves to a bit of tobacco.

苏鲁尼.瓦拉佟可能会说这样一副画作不会对男人和女人一样有吸引力.瓦拉佟甚至会争辩说这种题材的作品根本不是女画家的兴趣所在.也许这个信念就是她修订"斜靠着的裸女"---The Blue Boom---的动机.通过这项工作,她似乎想向世界宣布:当女人放松的时候,她们真的不是像Titian,或者马奈,高更的"Venuses一样,而是穿上她们宽松的衣服,抱着一本书蜷缩起来,有时候抽上一些香烟.
翻译期间,文中的"more to the point",The Blue Boom",以及"Venuses of titian"我实在不知所指.第一个大概是鄙人词汇量少所致,而后两个则是我孤陋寡闻了,因为第二个显然是一副画作(或画集)的名称,我不敢贸然翻译,第三个之中的"Tiyian"应该是一位著名的画家,至于"Venuses"我是实在不懂了.