Do you think expensive toys are good for children?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 16:39:20


Yes,st least they are safer.


No.I do not think so.Unless you have money to burn.Buying expensive toys for young children will give them an impression or feeling tha t he should get what he wants no matter how expensive it is . when he grows up,he will be either a person who likes spending money freely and extravagantly,or he will have the habit to live a rich life, if one day he is short of money ,he will maybe turn to small crimes and so on. Of course this is just a predict.

你是要翻译这句话 还是要别人对你所说的话发表意见吗?
首先你要知道玩具的具体用途 它的‘营养价值’不是靠贵贱来衡量的 玩具一方面是来给孩子们带来乐趣的 ,提高孩子们的智力。二个为什么要强调在婴幼儿时期就多给他们,用手多去接触外界的东西 ,这就是要让他们的处感觉神经要发达,比如说手指能更加灵活等等 所以要多去接触不动程度的.各式各样的玩具
还有一点现在给孩子买那么好的玩具, 这一点说明什么,这样会很容易引起他的攀比心理,这一点做家长一定要注意啊。