
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/20 20:28:00

let me help you !!!


Globalization is the best word of the last ten years. All the newspaper followed the word and politician spoke of it. And a lot of academics used it. With most of these, I don't think there is such phenomenon, or rather I don't think that what is being described globalization is effecting anything new.

In the last few years, very in the last three years perhaps, we began the held 80globalization movements. Especially since world trade organization meeting in Seattle and demonstrations we held at the time and the subsequent meetings in another part of the world most recently in January. Because I don't how many of you have known this since September eleventh event, this is two weeks ago in New York Washington. The word globalization has less disappeared from newspapers. They talk about terrorism. They talk about economic depression.

No one talks about globalization. Those people who said