
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 16:58:11
Victoria's minister for WorkCover,Rob Hulls,will open the conference which will include 12 streams, including plant safety, event management,safety and manual handling, workplace health and safety for managers and supervisors,and wellness programs in the workplace

A number of speakers will examine plant safety issues. OHS officer with Australian Paper/Silcar, Christos Litsios, will provide insight into a new method for the safe and effective movement of stacked loads , covering manual handling strains and sprains for forklift operators and risks associated with pedestrian access to forklift areas.

The Victorian State Coroner Graeme Hohnstone, will examine the role of human error in a range of coronial investigations associated with workplace fatalities and will identify ways in which these findings can contribute to prevention.

Senior lecture at La Trobe University,Dr Wendy MacDonald, will review causes of human error at work and will examine str

Victoria's 部长为WorkCover, 抢夺船身, 将开将包括12 条小河, 包括工厂安全、事件管理, 安全和手工处理, 工作场所健康与安全为经理和监督员的会议, 并且健康编程在工作场所 一定数量的报告人将审查工厂安全问题。OHS 官员与澳大利亚Paper/Silcar, Christos Litsios, 将提供洞察入一个新方法为安全并且被堆积的装载的有效的运动, 报道手工处理劳损和扭伤为铲车操作员和风险与相关对铲车区域的步行通入。 Victorian 状态验尸官Graeme Hohnstone, 将审查人的错误的角色在coronial 调查的范围与相关工作场所致命, 将辨认这些研究结果可能对预防贡献的方式用。 资深演讲在La Trobe 大学, Dr Wendy MacDonald, 将回顾人的错误的起因在工作, 将审查战略最有效在控制他们。 唾液药物测试是一个有争议的问题在工作场所。Neuropsychology's 研究成员的Swinburne 中心,Hpillip Swann 教授, 将提供一次考试, 将考虑介绍salivatesting 的节目有效率在工作场所之内。 其它报告人将演讲典型问题包括轮班职工, 和安全在路轨和建筑业。 超过7000 个职业卫生和安全专家出席的安全在Action/Materials 和指南递2003 个商业展览, 包括1000 年会议代表 为关于039654 773 的更多信息电话澳大利亚陈列和会议, 给safety@aec.net.au 发电子邮件或参观www.safetyinaction.net.au