
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/24 10:40:00
由于传统QCS008液压实验台采用继电器等元件作为控制系统的控制元件,存在可靠性,灵活性差, 元件体积大、易损坏、接线复杂、工作不稳定、故障率高、检修不便,而且,由其组成的设备体积较大,需为其准备空间较大的控制室,存在机械噪音大等缺点。另外,液压元件和管路在实验台上的位置不能随意变动,液压回路实现功能单一,不利于培养学生的创造能力。文中通过实例说明利用PLC对其进行改造,不但扩大了液压实验台的功能范围,提高了控制系统的柔性,还有利于提高学生在机电液压综合控制等方面的综合能力。

Application of OMRON PLC in QCS008 Hydraulic Control
  Abstract :
  PLC (programmable logic controller) as a industrial control micro-computer, with its programming convenient, simple operation and in particular its high reliability advantages, in the industrial production process has been widely used. Because traditional QCS008 hydraulic test stand and other components used as a relay control system of control components, There reliability, flexibility poor, bulky components easily damaged, the wiring complexity, instability, high failure rate, overhaul inconvenience Moreover, consisting of the relatively large size of equipment required for the preparation of a larger control room space, there is the noise and other mechanical defects. In addition, hydraulic components and pipes in the experimental stage position is not arbitrarily change in the hydraulic circuit to achieve one single function, is not conducive to the cultivation of creative ability. The text through the