
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/20 08:52:21
摘要: 汽车品牌营销的重要性是由品牌的价值链决定的,它引导经销商必须向纵深发展,通过多功能一体化和整合的服务来创造更多的价值和利益。对整车企业来说,品牌营销,有利于集中人力和精力研究市场、开拓市场,有利于规划、发展和管理营销网络,有利于增加经销商的服务功能,有利于市场同产品开发和生产的衔接和配合,有利于对市场进行前瞻性的规划,有利于制定灵活的营销政策等等。它可以稳定市场、开发市场,可以划分区域、控制价格,可以使经销商成为市场竞争的有力帮手。一汽集团公司是我国最大的汽车生产企业之一。1997年,将捷达轿车作为试点,开始了品牌营销的尝试。


Abstract : Automobile Brand Marketing from the importance of brand value chain decision, it must guide the distributors to develop in depth, through multi-functional integration, and integration of services to create more value and interests. On the vehicle enterprises, brand marketing, and manpower to focus on market research, market development and is conducive to planning, development and management of network marketing is conducive to increasing dealers in the service functions, to the market with product development and production can match and it is beneficial for the market visionary planning, to develop flexible marketing policy and so on.It can stabilize the market, the market can be divided into a number of zones to control prices, dealers can be a powerful competitive market helper. FAW Group Corporation is China's largest automobile manufacturers, one. 1997, Jetta as a pilot, started a brand marketing attempt.
Keywords : brand marketing; Jetta; Marketing strate