Windows installer 3.1 安装失败

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 04:43:25
我使用正版Windows XP SP2操作系统,前段时间系统出了故障,用随机的WinXP SP2光盘进行系统修复(实际是保留原安装参数的安装),之后自动更新就开始不厌其烦地工作,系统托盘不断跳出黄色惊叹号气球,提示安装Windows installer 3.1,点击安装可是每次都提示安装失败;直接下载安装installer 3.1,问题依旧;用install clean up,问题依旧。我看到网上介绍SP2本身自带了installer 3.1,可怎么会这样?如何解决??不解决就无法使用自动更新了。切望大虾或高手指点,高悬赏!!!


一、所有使用installer安装的程序,均不能正常安装,提示:“不能访问windows installer 服务。可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装。请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助”

二、察看windows installer服务,一般为停用。如果试图在service中启用,有时会发现,被系统禁用,再启动,提示:“指定的服务已标记为删除”


The MSI Installer can be a real pain. It may be that one of the files required by it is corrupt. Here's what you do. Run msiexec /unregserver again. Then delete msiexec.exe from the system32 directory. Potentially, you could rerun the install at this point but for some reason this doesn't always work. Instead, download a fresh copy of the windows installer, use an unzipping tool to extract it, go into the folder and manually install from the inf files. To do this, right click on it and select install. Make sure you do msi.inf first, and then mspatcha.inf or you get a missing file error (likely because msiexec.exe is missing). After all this run msiexec.exe /regserver to recr