everything but the kitchen sink 为什么是无所不有的意思?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/07 07:15:49
everything but the kitchen sink


Many companies seem to want to make nearly everything but the kitchen sink,and that is a quick way to lose money.


Kitchen sink就是厨房里的水槽。Everything but the kitchen sink按照每个字来翻译,它的意思就是:除了厨房水槽外的一切。这里指的不是所有的东西,而是指几乎所有的一切。Everything but the kitchen sink这个俗语在第二次世界大战期间,美国空军战士经常用它来形容他们在敌占区上空所遇到的防空炮火。下面就是一个例子:

"It was really tough over the target area today. The Germans threw everything but the kitchen sink at us -- rockets, anti-aircraft cannon, machine-gun fire. We were lucky they didn't send up their fighter planes, or we would have lost some of our bombers."


二次世界大战已经在四十多年前结束了,可是everything but the kitchen sink这个俗语不但仍然在美国人口语中经常出现,而且已经被应用到各个方面。下面就是一个例子。这是一对夫妇周末出门去旅游,丈夫一面看着妻子把大箱子里的东西拿出来,一面说:

"Gee, honey, do you really need all that stuff for a three-day holiday -- it looks like you've brought along everything but the kitchen sink."
