这首歌叫什么名字????谁能帮帮我 跪求

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 17:51:55
就是这个视频的最后的背景音乐 摇滚风格的那首 我感觉是 Bon jovi 的 希望知道的人 告诉我一下 谢了 (不是那个歌剧阿!!)http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cf00XNTkwNTgzMg==.html

Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing



Title: Aerosmith - Don't Want To Miss A Thing lyrics

Artist: Aerosmith

Visitors: 3337 visitors have hited Don't Want To Miss A Thing Lyrics since Feb 12, 2007.

Print: Aerosmith - Don't Want To Miss A Thing Lyrics print version

i could stay awake just to hear you breathing,
watch you smile while your sleeping,
while your far away and dreaming,
i could spend my life in this sweet surrender,
i could stay lost in