Who knows the duckbill?Can you tell me something about it?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 03:54:26
Who knows the duckbill?Can you tell me something about it?You'd better ues English.Thank you very much.

The duckbill platypus lives in the deciduous forests of Australia. It is about half the size of a house cat. It has a thick covering of hair except for its bill and feet. Its back is a dark brown and has light yellow on its stomach . The tail has fatty tissue which is used to store energy. The body is streamlined and flat. It has short legs and webbed front feet. The back feet are partially webbed. Their feet have broad nails for digging. Males have hollow spurs on their ankles which carry venom. They use this venom as protection. It has a bill shaped like a duck's bill. This bill is sensitive to touch. It is flat, soft and

rubbery with many nerves. The bill has nostrils for breathing that can be closed when they go under water. When you look at a picture of a platypus, the eyes look about the size of a dime. The platypus does not have teeth, so it grinds its food with grinding pads in its mouth. The eyes are just behind their bill. The ear slits are behind the eyes.