这段话什么意思啊? 不要电脑翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 01:37:20
My last sentence You ask about what type of a job for you to do? You know English There is Americans that come to China to see your country. They need people to show them around. We call these people Tourist guides. You can meet the man of your dreams. Watch out for (American) men. Not just American most men well say any thing for sex. I am not that way but I have know too many that are that way. Good luck.
You need to make a friend every day at your parents store. That way it well not be as much a job. Remember you are only as happy as you make your self be. Make your self be happy today. Make some one else be happy and it well make you happy. Every one you greet at the store smile and say some thing nice to them they well want to come back. It works here not sure about China. Enjoy your life.

上次你问我你适合做哪类工作。你懂英语,美国人来中国旅游,他们需要有人领他们参观,你可以做导游啊,你也许会遇见你的梦中情人呢!不过要当心美国男人,其实不光是美国男人,大多数男人都会甜言蜜语 其实都是为了性。我不是那种人,不过我认识很多那种人,祝你好运!(意思是希望你别上当)



