汉译英~高手帮忙翻译一个剧情简介<海上钢琴师> 谢谢了! 有追加

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 02:20:46
1900年的第一天,往返于欧美两地的邮轮Virginian号上,负责邮轮上添加煤炭的工人Danny Boodman在头等舱上欲捡拾有钱人残留下来的事物时,却意外的在钢琴上发现一个被遗弃的新生儿,装在TD牌柠檬的空纸箱内。由于坚信「TD」正代表了Thanks Danny的缩写,于是Danny不顾其他工人的嘲笑,独立抚育这个婴儿,并为了纪念这特别的一天,将他取名为:1900。


Max在因缘际会下来到Virginian号加入乐队伴奏,也因此见识到这位传说中的海上钢琴师——1900,两人因此结为好友。而1900在与发明爵士乐的传奇钢琴手Jelly同船竞技钢琴琴艺之后,声势更是如日中天。但尽管Max再三鼓励1900下船去向全世界展露他的天赋,1900却始终未曾踏足陆地一步。直到他在为唱片公司录制个人专辑时,意外见到船舱之外清秀动人的女孩,并在感动之余创作了《1900's Theme》(即片头Max与乐器行老板所提到的不知名曲子)。随着女孩的下船离去,1900的心开始波动,

还有一段: 他思量再三后,还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永远地留在船上了,直到唯一的好朋友警告他废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离开,于是从出生开始就没有离开过维吉尼亚号的1900殉船于海底。

Shortly after the Second World War, Max, a transplanted American, visits an English pawn shop to sell his trumpet. The shopkeeper recognizes the tune Max plays as one on a wax master of an unreleased recording, discovered and restored from shards found in a piano salvaged from a cruise ship turned hospital ship, now slated for demolition. This chance discovery prompts a story from Max, which he relates both to the shopkeeper and later to the official responsible for the doomed vessel, for Max is a born storyteller. Though now down on his luck and disillusioned by his wartime experiences, the New Orleans-born Max was once an enthusiastic and gifted young jazz musician, whose longest gig was several years with the house band aboard the Virginian, a posh cruise ship. While gaining his sea legs, he was befriended by another young man, the pianist in the same band, whose long unlikely name was Danny Boodman T.D. Lemons 1900, though everyone just called him 1900, the year of his birth. Ab