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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 10:10:00
"We've devoted 150,000 man-hours to working with Microsoft on the Vista roll-out and testing," says Shane Robison, head of strategy at Hewlett-Packard, the world's biggest personal computer maker.
For many, however, the real work is only just beginning.
Some analysts expect Vista's launch to result in a release of pent-up demand for new systems, with market research company iSuppli forecasting an increase in PC sales of 10 per cent over last year, roughly in line with last year's growth rate.
According to forecasts by market research company Gartner, 58 per cent of new PC shipments this year will include Microsoft's new operating system.

Any increase in sales may be partially offset by the higher cost of new hardware required to run Vista. Isuppli estimates PC makers will have to spend 20 per cent more on components ?an average desktop costing $500 to make will now cost $600.

That is likely to eat further into marg

"我们已经投入15万人时,以与微软就Vista的转出和测试,说: "谢恩罗比森,头部的策略,在惠普公司,世界最大的个人电脑制造商。
部分分析师预计, Vista的推出,以产生一个释放被压抑的需求,为新的系统,市场研究公司iSuppli的预测增加了PC销售的10 % ,比去年同期大致相同,与去年同期的增长速度。
据预测,市场研究公司Gartner中,有58 %的新PC出货量今年将包括微软新的操作系统。

任何增加销售,可部分抵消了成本较高的新的硬件要求运行Vista的。 iSuppli估计, PC制造商将不得不花20多百分之组件?平均桌面耗资500元,使现在的成本为600元。


史蒂夫kleynhans , Gartner分析师说,个人电脑的利润率还可以承受,如果突如其来的问题与Vista导致一个大的提高,客户支持的电话。

"尽快为他们拿起电话,你开始失去什么微薄的利润,你就卖" 。

米歇尔pearcy ,世卫组织正在帮助带领Vista的过渡,在戴尔说,世界头号两个PC制造商是航运定制指令其新的Vista的顾客。
"根据我们的测试,我们预测[过渡]将顺利进行, "她说。
戴尔和惠普公司拒绝提供具体的预测, Vista的影响,对今后的PC销售为由,限制周边的"平静期"提前公布季度财下个月。