
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 03:38:06
Mixed media works differ from traditional tesserae-based compositions in their emphasis on the parts of the mosaic rather than the whole.while incorporating an amalgam of found objects may be straining the boundaries of the art for some purists,others would argue that the mixed- mosaic artists profiled here satisfy a set of requisites far more foundamental:the urge to collect,compose,and create.
The bridge between ceramic mosaice and mixed- media mosaics is firmly anchored by a technique called pique assiette (“etolen from plates”).thes name was first given to the ambitious folk art endeavoe of Raymond Isidor,a Frenchman who spent nearly twenty-five years blanketing his entire home with shards of cast-off crockery and dishware.Completead in the 1960s,it heralded the new.freethinking age in the development of mosaic art.
Executors df thie new age,the artists whose works follow all speak from different perspectives,yet they have a common voice.Ilana Sha

桥梁陶瓷mosaice和混合媒体的马赛克是在区内确立了由一个技术叫皮克assiette ( " etolen从板" ) 。 thes名字最初是考虑到庞大的民间艺术endeavoe的雷蒙德isidor , 1名法国人花了近05年来布建他的整个家庭与shards铸造过陶器和dishware.completead在20世纪60年代,它预示着new.freethinking时代在发展马赛克艺术品。
遗嘱执行人测thie新时代,艺术家,他们对后续工程的所有发言,从不同的角度,但他们都有一个共同的voice.ilana shafir的马赛克窗口组合,阿珍和国防部长的景观compositions.the rosenbergs '刻混凝土马赛克壁画,林恩mattson ' s民间艺术, twyla亚瑟的建筑assemblages.val卡罗尔的区域壁画,卡洛斯阿尔维斯的海洋文化源性途径和murals.candace bahouth的马赛克转型的柴米油盐objects.and以赛亚zagar居委会古迹遗址全部使用碎片来紧缩在一个时尚或another.paying来祭祀性质。
迈阿密艺术家卡洛斯阿尔维斯创造了疯狂想象力floore ,天花板,并walls.while迈阿密是东道主,以他的大部分作品,他的签名作品是永久性设施,在这样的远客的地方,伦敦,香港,以及贴近家庭,纽约市。
与十年以上的成功项目,由内部工程,以陶瓷画像,以公共交通车站和泳池,以他的信用问题,商业化生产arises.alves提供了肯定的回应: "我本可以大量生产的家具,但我不理会这一想法,因为我不希望我的作品失去integrity.i想把它们放在特殊和拥有自己的尊严" ,不令人意外的是,艺术家,也有坚决的态度,前期对于目标他的镶嵌画, "我希望人们能有互动,与我的工作,要考虑it.and考虑如何