
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 20:51:15

Fluoride is widely distributed in nature, humans and animals is essential to one of trace elements. Human element of fluoride intake are inadequate or excessive harm to health. With the rapid development of national economic construction, environmental pollution problems have become increasingly serious, more cause for concern, including from the governance of the steel-making industry, Lianlv, the chemical industry phosphate and fluoride plastics production, industrial brick Portland , Ceramics, glass, refractories production, fluoride constitute the major source of pollution of the environment. Because fluoride is of special chemical properties, research has been mainly concentrated in the absorption of fluoride desorption model, and when the large number of fluoride pollutants into the soil, more than the self-purification capacity of the soil, the pollutants will move downwards, thus To a higher concentration of fluoride in the soil of the simulation can help us better understan