酒店安全管理的问题和对策 论文纲要怎么写

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/20 04:44:33

摘 要


关键词: 酒店信息管理,数据库 ,SQL


The modernized hotel collects the guest room , food and beverage , communication , amusement, commercial culture and other various kinds of services and facilities are the integrated consumption place , the hotel organizes hugely, there are many service items, the amount of information is large, if you want to improve labor produce , lower costs , improve the service quality and management level , promote the economic benefits, must carry on the modernized information management through the computer,《Small-scale Hotel Management Information System》is just designed for the occasion, it is developed and carried out by using Microsoft Office Access database system and Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 programming language, it include six modules——guest r