
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 21:39:52
“设计” 是处理人的生理、心理与环境关系的问题。室内空间设计是反映人类物质生活和精神生活的一面镜子,是生活创造的舞台。
室内设计一般要进行空间组合,这是空间设计的重要基础.而空间各组成部分之间的关系,主要是通过分隔的方式来完成的. 室内空间要采取什么分隔方式,既要根据空间的特点和功能使用要求,又要考虑到空间的艺术特点和人的心理需求.空间的分隔换种说法就是对空间的限定和再限定. 尽管限定的要素十分有限,基本限定的手法也是屈指可数的有限的几类,但他们以不同的具体材料,不同的具体色彩并按不同方式组合后形成的空间却是丰富多样的. 因此,室内空间的限定实际上可以理解为是在原有的母空间中的再限定.其基本的几种限定方式与一次限定大致相同,但对人的心理影响效果还是有些差异.本文主要通过运用空间限定的各种手法进行室内空间形态的塑造,在进行合理利用空间的目的上进行居室的功能划分。在解决使用功能的基础上进行设计,营造良好的、个性化的家居氛围。

"Design" is the deal with the physical, psychological and environmental problems. Interior space design is a reflection of human material life and spiritual life of a mirror, the stage is the creation of life.
Interior design space to the general portfolio, which is an important foundation for the design space. Space and the various components of the relationship between the mainly by the separation of the way to completion. Interior space to take separate ways, both according to the space features and functions of use requirements, and also taking into account characteristics of the art space and human psychological needs. separate space for that kind of space is limited, and further limited. Despite the very limited elements, the basic approach is limited handful a limited range, but they have different specific materials, different colors according to the specific combination of different ways after the formation of the space is rich and diverse. Therefore, the li