
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 03:00:01
Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.
我翻译的: 他可能相信他不应批评美国的对外政策, 在没有危及到他从联邦政府那里已经获得的对民权运动的支持.
书上的翻译: 他有可能相信,他不能够既批评美国的对外政策, 同时又不危及到他从联邦政府那里已经获得的对民权运动的支持.

本句的关键是: 为什么得翻译成"不能够既...同时又不能..." 此处与我的翻译完全拧了,也与我过去的翻译思维不一致. 请详细分析一下!!!!!!

关键的连词是without,可以paraphrase成Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy while he would not endanger the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.


你可以这样理解,文中出现了两个否定词“could not”“without”,双重否定等于肯定,那句子可以改成Perhaps he believed that if he criticize American foreign policy, then he would endanger the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.