
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 22:35:42
`读《The Price is Right》有感

读了Nichole L. Torres 的文章《合理定价》,我感触很深,震动也很大。同样一件商品,在制造、销售成本都不变的情况下,仅仅是改变了商品的销售价格,销售成绩却有数量级的变化,甚至是几何数量级的变化。

Reading "The Price is Right" Feelings

Nichole L. Torres read the article, "reasonable pricing", I am feeling very, vibration, is also very strong. Similarly a commodity, in the manufacture, marketing costs are unchanged, the only change in the selling price of goods, but sales volume level changes, and even the geometric order of magnitude change.
This is a I never thought about the issue. After careful consideration, I think this is a simple question behind, but used a complex knowledge. Economics and even psychology. Before I saw the price of 299 yuan leisure jacket, I feel very cheap, but if the 309 yuan jacket, I feel a bit expensive, in fact carefully consider only a difference of 10 yuan money, but psychologically feel that they are far from the price difference far more than 10 yuan. A heart that is more than 200 pieces of things, and one is more than 300 pieces of things. If quality is not very far worse, I will not hesitate to opt for t