
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 12:51:08


不知道你是否试听了Fahrenheit和Faye Wong的歌曲?我猜,你不会喜欢他们!(我不喜欢他们,虽然他们是成功的艺术家) 我不打算再给你介绍中国的流行音乐,那不适合你!你喜欢民族音乐吗?很多民族音乐是很好听的,但在互连网无法找到!很遗憾....大多数的时候我在听rock,但现在我接触各种风格的音乐,我会看别人主页,看到他们收听什么音乐,我会犹豫:或许我该听一样的音乐!(有点没主见,好音乐实在太多了...)
最近接触越来越多的音乐,我觉得有点混乱,所以把主页所有的数据都清除了,整理一下比较好!对了,我最近在收听Dead can dance,我觉得还可以,或许你可以试一下!

Haha! Once upon a time when I played an on-line game, I was attracted by a game character named Andreas, cuz I thought it was a nice name, and I have never forgotton it. Oh, don't forget Embeth! I love it too! In my opinion, it's a blessing matter to own a good name. However, I am not quite satisfied with my own name, besides, I don't have an English name. So I always racked my brains making choices on ID names when registering on-line cites. Once I hoped to use the name of a kind of candy as my ID name, but the idea ended up nowhere because when the candy's name is translated into English, it takes on a slightly different meaning. And when that name is translated into German, the word extends as long as.. you just can't imagine it!

Do you like music artists like Fahrenheit and Faye Wong? Perhaps you don't.(I don't like them, despite the fact that they are really successful.) I'm not planning to introduce Chinese pop music to you, cuz in my