
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 06:14:49
i was on the tube the other day talking to a freind and this person shuffles over next to me and i turn to have a nice look and she talks to me for a couple of mins then we changed numbers and had dinner later on.Actually you could be blind deaf and dumbd here and still get laid

有一天, 我在地铁通道和一个朋友说话,而那人慢慢靠我这边走过来,我转身很友好的看着,她和我说了几分钟话,我们交换了电话号码,并一起吃饭。
实际上,就算你是聋子,瞎子, 哑巴,你在这一样能约到女人
