
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:04:36
我试着开始与他交谈,尽管我的英文不好,但我绞尽脑汁的想让这个在孤独中生活着的老人露出开心的笑容,也许是因为觉得他很可怜吧. 实际上我根本不记得我们谈论了些什么,我想当时连自己也不知道自己在说什么吧. 只是想尽自己的一份力量, 想让他最后的生命增添一抹颜色.

Left into agnes I have received, but also to explain my side of the profile of house.
Afterwards, I arranged to help the elderly walk.
This is a need to help the elderly walk apparatus, looks serious, because I have never been to before house Therefore, I could not help but think up to this fear before encountered stubborn strange temper bad for the elderly.
I started trying to talk with him, although my English is not good, but I want this racked his brains in the loneliness of the elderly live in exposed happy smile, perhaps because he think it is very poor. Actually I do not remember that we are talking about something, then I think even they themselves do not know what he's talking about it. only want their share of power, wants the lives of his last hint of color added.

Enter agnes receive I, give I I was arranged to help the old man to walk after the overview to explain home for the aged on one side just