
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 14:40:24

Name : Kingdom of Denmark
Polity : constitutional monarchy
Area : 43,096 square kilometres
Population : 5.332 million (2000)
National : Danish North German people
Languages : Danish
Religion : Protestant Christian
Capital : Copenhagen
Second City : Aarhus
Time zone : GMT+01 time zones, the use of daylight saving time
National Day : April 16
National flower : Chinese ilex
State bird : Cloud magpie

Kingdom of Denmark (The Kingdom of Denmark) is a Nordic,it is beautiful and rich country. In Danish language, Danish for "Dan", Mai as "fields", the Danish for "Dan the fields" was conveyed. In Denmark most of the land is latitude 54034 'to 57045' north and longitude 805 'to 15,012' east. Provisional Denmark faces to the Beihai ,near to the Baltic in the east, borders with Germany in the south, and it is accoss Norway, Sweden from the sea in the north. It is com