
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 15:09:58
Preconceptions often determine a person’s next career move in practice. Often a talent’s idea of a company was formed during their student years, added to by stories from friends and acquaintances. If there is no objective picture, there is a considerable chance that a person will be attracted or perhaps even put off by a less ‘suitable’ company. Talents may however be of great value for the development of an organisation if they do not fit its culture exactly in all areas.

Preconceptions often determine a person’s next career move in practice.预想常常决定着一个人实践中的下一个职业动机。
Often a talent’s idea of a company was formed during their student years, added to by stories from friends and acquaintances. 通常公司里的一个天才想法在他们学生时期就已经形成,并通过朋友和熟人的经历(受到启发而)逐渐完美。
If there is no objective picture, there is a considerable chance that a person will be attracted or perhaps even put off by a less ‘suitable’ company. 倘若没有客观真实的想象,我们将无法知道(直译的话应该是“一个值得考虑到情况就是”,联系上下文应该是“无法知道”合适),一个人将会富有魅力还是可能因一个一点也不“合适的”公司招致厌恶。
Talents may however be of great value for the development of an organisation if they do not fit its culture exactly in all areas.不管怎样,能人们可能会因为一个组织的发展而变得身价颇高,(前提是)如果他们不会使自身的文化完全适应于所有领域。(也就是说能人们的成功必须要借助预想做出点不落俗套的事情)

Preconceptions often determine a person’s next career move in practice. Often a talent’s idea of a company was formed during their student years, added to by stories from friends and acquaintances. If there is no objective picture, there is a conside