
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 14:31:35


摘要: 重庆民族地区地处渝东南,主要包括黔江、彭水、秀山、酉阳和石柱等地,聚居着土家族苗族等多个少数民族。经过明代以前的孕育与发展,重庆民族地区的文人诗歌在清代走向成熟。大批本土文人和外籍文人参与诗歌创作,使得文人诗歌作者具有数量众多、身份复杂等鲜明特征。同时由于清代重庆民族地区环境封闭,交通不便,严重束缚了文人的视野与交往,使得诗歌的题材相对狭窄而体式较为完整、类型丰富,促成了重庆民族地区古代文人诗歌的繁荣。重庆民族地区清代文人诗歌是特定人文环境的产物,具有十分丰富的人文内涵,主要表现
为恬然山水的情怀、宣扬儒家伦理的教化等等。研究重庆民族地区清代文人诗歌对于挖掘区域 文化,构建和谐社会具有突出价值。

Heavy celebrate the scholar verse of Manchu dynasty of the race region to talk about slightly

Summary: Heavy celebrate a 渝 southeast of the race region, mainly include the river of 黔 , 彭 water, the show grounds such as mountain, sun of 酉 and stone pillar etc., gather to reside the soil household seedling clan etc. several national minority.Pass by to conceive Ming Dynasty ago with the development, heavy celebrated the scholar verse of the race region to head for the maturity in Manchu dynasty.The native scholar and foreign scholars of large quantities participate the verse creations, make the scholar verse the author has the quantity numerous, fresh and clear characteristic of etc. of the body a complications.Is heavy to celebrate the environment of the race region to close because of the Manchu dynasty at the same time, the transportation inconvenience, tied up the visual field of the scholar and association seriously, make the topic of the verse opposite and narrow but