什么是bank day?请具体解释一下,小妹不胜感激!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 19:30:30

Bank Day:银行假日,也称Bank holiday。

Bank holiday,银行假日。英国指法定假日,美国指星期六、日以外的政府命令的假日。其实,所谓的Bank Holiday也是英国的法定假日,光从名字上就可以看出是银行停止营业的日子。对于英国这样的老牌资本主义国家来说,如果银行停业,当然就意味着所有商业活动也都会停止,人们也就可以不用上班工作。

state holidays国定假日、国家法定节假日

bank holidays

在英格兰,Bank Holidays指的是:New Year's Day, Easter Monday, May Day (not necessarily 1 May, it is the 2nd of May), Spring and Late Summer Holidays at the end of May and August respectively, and Boxing Day. There are also two common law holidays on Good Friday and Christmas Day. 同时,30th of April 是叫做Spring Bank

而在苏格兰,是:New Year's Day, January 2, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day (not necessarily 1 May), Spring and Summer Holidays at the end of May and the beginning of August respectively, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

在北爱尔兰则是:New Year's Day, St. Patrick's Day (17 March), Easter Monday, May Day (not necessarily 1 May), Spring and Late Summer Holidays at the end of May and August respectively, and