out of death,有没有这个说法?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 23:08:57
out of danger 是脱离危险的意思,那out of death是脱离死亡的意思吗?

out of noun --- It's a pattern, but the meaning varies.

out 不见得是离开或脱离的意思。

e.g. out of water -- 没水了。

e.g. out of the question --- impossible, 不可能

e.g. out of order --- (机器)坏了。

e.g. out of curiosity -- 出自好奇心。


Back to your question:

一般来说大难不死不要用 out of death

out of death 一般是指死后的某种状态。

example #1 "The stories in this book are about life coming out of death."
---> Something/someone dies, but the organism revives and lives again.
例一 源自一本科幻小说。 描述人死后再活过来。

example #2 "Out of death, comes new life, waking up inside the beauty, the beauty of all things The seeds that burn, could they re-seed so easily,..."
----> This could be referring to plants, which produce seeds, die, and are regenerated from their seeds.
例二 描述植物的生死轮回。

example #3 "I suspect that the only possible development