
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 20:27:44
hay, do u believe predestine? we r all in the some mysterious circles. so do not complain, just find out the way how to enjoy it, somtimes life may be better than u thought.----这是朋友给我日志的评价
我该怎样用英语回答呢? 只要简单一 两句就好


如果你同意那就可以回答 yeah, to live is like to be raped, since i can't resist, the only choice left for me is to enjoy it.

如果你不同意,那可以回答I don't believe in destiny, because it is only an self-created illusion that serves to blind us. And I will never be happy for numbing my soul and overlooking the unjustness of this world.

Kind of confused, and I am still trying it out.^^
Maybe we should just let life prove itself.