Wars of the Roses

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 14:20:51
2玫瑰战争:1455年至1487年其间,兰开斯特家族(House of Lancaster)和约克家族(House of York)的支持者为了英格兰王位而发生断续的内战,史称玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses),或蔷薇战争。两个家族都是金雀花王朝(Plantagenet)皇族的分支,为英王爱德华三世的后裔。“玫瑰战争”一名源于两个皇族所选的家徽,兰开斯特的红玫瑰和约克的白玫瑰

Between 1455 and 1487 , the family of Lancaster and the family of York tried to displace the Lancater King Herry VI was thrown into another series of series of civil wars , the Wars of the Roses broke out . Two families are branch of Plantagenet ,is descendants of Edward III . '' the Wars of the Roses'' get such a name because the Lancastrians wore the badge of the red rose and the Yorkists wore the badge of the white rose .
