
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 19:30:22
pacts such as the impacts of a different useful life, maintenance requirement, or disposal. For example, the structural products used in framing buildings are very unlikely to produce different environmental burdens during the use and maintenance life stages.1Differences in energy use over a building’s life are largely eliminated by designing to the same effective insulation standard. Maintenance issues are minimal for wall and floor subassemblies except for the exposure of siding to weather, and demolition/disposal issues have been shown to be relatively small. 1 When the differences between the environmental burdens of components are large and consistent across the assessment of different risks such as water or air pollution and the creation of solid waste, there is little likelihood of making an incorrect decision by directly comparing the burdens from regeneration or extraction through product processing and initial co

协议如的影响,不同的使用年限,维修保养的规定,或处置。举例来说,结构性产品用在制定建筑物不太可能产生不同的环境负担,在使用和维修的生活stages.1differences在能源使用超过一个大厦的生命,主要是淘汰的设计,以相同的有效绝缘的标准。保养的问题,是最低限度的墙体和地板组件,除了暴露偏袒天气,及拆卸/处置问题已表明相对较少。 1时之间的分歧环境负担的组成部分是大和一致的评估不同的风险,例如水或空气污染,并建立固体废物,是有可能性很小,使一不正确决定直接比较的负担,从再生或通过提取产品加工和初步建设。

该corrim生命周期清单(国际狮子总会)的数据被用来作为主要来源为生命周期的产品信息,对木材产品和雅典娜?环境影响估算( eie ) 3模型被用来延长分析,从生产的产品包括建造建筑物组件。该eie模型也包含源数据的非木材产品,主要是钢材和混凝土,可以替代木材在某些应用中。该eie模型使设计模型的建筑物或组件,产生本条例草案的所需材料,分析了一长串的投入和产出,并总结,然后对环境造成的影响分成几个简易程序的影响,措施比较生命周期评估( LCA )就该折衷与使用一种产品或超过设计的另一个。
