
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 11:50:37
摘要: 我国自有绘画以来,经四、五千年的演进,已形成了完整的体系,它是中华民族之国粹,屹立与世界艺术之林。艺术是时代的产物,中国画也不例外。在先秦与秦汉时期,关于绘画艺术的论述只有零星的、片段的和间接的材料,大部分论画名言其实只是以画作比喻来说明哲学、政治思想。东汉后期开始出现专门评论和分析书法艺术的文章,专门的绘画理论文章和专著晚至东晋才出现。汉魏绘画擅长表现气势,宋代绘画极重写实,元明以后写意勃兴,品评标准从“六法”到“四品”随着历史的发展而演进。文人画家重神韵轻拘泥于细致刻画,苏轼提出“论画以形似,见于儿童邻”的见解,近现代齐白石则有“似于不似之间”的评判。中国画的品评标准对我国近现代的美学理论和绘画实践都产生了极大的指导作用。中国画的品评标准的形成与发展的深入研究对近现代人们确立新的品评标准具有十分重要的意义。

Summary: My own painting, the four, five thousand years of evolution, has formed a complete system, it is the Chinese nation's national essence, stand with the world of art-lam. Art is the result of the times, Chinese painting is no exception. And in the pre-Qin Qin and Han Dynasties period, the exposition on the art of painting only sporadic, and fragments of indirect materials, the majority of paintings by famous paintings is only an analogy to illustrate the philosophical, political and ideological. The late Eastern Han Dynasty began to appear specialized commentary and analysis on the art of calligraphy articles, special drawing theoretical articles and monographs in the evening only to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Han, Wei and good at painting performance momentum, drawing heavy realism Song, Yuan and Ming after the rise of freehand brushwork, evaluation criteria from "Six Methods" to the "four goods" With the development of history and evolution. Literati p