
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 18:17:30

Professor Laurence K P Wong。
下面的网站就是香港中文大学的网站,里面有关于Prof. Andrew Parkin(中文名“姜安道”)的介绍,当中提到His collaboration with Prof. Lawrence Wong, Hong Kong Poems (1997) offers the poets' perceptions of what Hong Kong had been and was in the year when Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty.句中的Prof. Lawrence Wong就是黄国彬(Wong是黄的香港拼音,而K和P则是国Kwok彬Pun二字的首字母缩写),二人曾合作写了一本叫《香港诗歌》的书(参看。你要是还有疑问,可以看,里面也提到了他:Professor Laurence K. P. Wong (The Chinese University of
Hong Kong)。