乐队The Rasmus这名字有什麽含义?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 09:36:03
The Rasmus 在下练基本意思都不懂。请教各位了

Well... There's a few theories. Aki Hakala (the drummer) once said in an interview that it's a slur of the two words, 'trash' and 'mosh', because both represented their style of music. Eero Heinonen (the bassist) also once said in an interview that it was named after a Swedish boy they knew named 'Rasmus' that used to be picked on. Lauri Ylonen (the lead singer) has also said in several interviews that it was simply a nonsense word that they thought sounded cool.

The Rasmus
拉斯默斯 (人名)

Rasmus 拉斯默斯

Rasmus Christian Rask 拉斯默斯.克里斯琴 .拉斯克(1787-1832,丹麦语言学家,历史比较语言学奠基人之一)