
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 23:27:27

摘要:本文通过分析依法治国的定义和依法行政的原则提出了依法行政的基本要求:有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究。并对我国依法行政的发展现状进行了阐述:在肯定我国依法行政取得的成效的同时,同时也指出了现阶段存在的不可忽视的问题:(1)在思想意识方面,部分行政机关工作人员法律意思淡薄。(2)在行政立法方面,有关行政立法空白较多,立法进度滞后,效率低。(3)在行政执法方面,现行的行政执法体制存在缺陷,法律、法规与规章之间缺乏协调和统一,使行政执法者难以适从。(4)在行政监督方面,现行行政执法监督体系执法力度不够, 独立感不强。本文还提出了今后全面推进依法行政应注意的问题:(1)加强素质教育,提高行政人员执法业务水平,改变机关工作作风,更好的保证行政权利依法行使。(2)加快立法,尽快健全完善行政法律制度。(3)加强对依法行政的监督,以保证行政行为的合法性。在今后的依法行政工作中,在做好原有法律、法规的整理工作的同时,要加快一些新法的出台。用法律手段使行政管理工作程序规范化、制度化,使行政裁决的执行落到实处。

Abstract: By the definition of the rule of law and the principles of administration according to law put forward the basic requirements of administration according to law: the law, according to the law, Zhifabiyan, Weifabijiu. And the development of China's administration according to law on the status: China's administration according to law in affirming the results achieved at the same time, also pointed out that at this stage of the existence of the problem can not be ignored: (1) in ideology, part of the executive staff legal Mean weak. (2) in the legislative, executive and the legislature more gaps, lags behind the progress of legislation and low efficiency. (3) in administrative law enforcement, the existing administrative law enforcement system deficiencies, laws, regulations, rules and regulations and lack of coordination between and unification of the executive law enforcement officers from the hard fitness. (4) in administrative supervision, the existing system of